

I will assign you a scary Halloween sprite avatar -

Try me.

Innocent Sin is getting remade!

Sorry for double posting, but more stuff has been announced! The Japanese release will be this winter, and some new screen shots and artworks were posted on Famitsu's site! Check it out!

Innocent Sin is getting remade!

I wonder if they'll be remaking Eternal Punishment aswell then, seeing as they are two sides of the same game. But to get an official english release of IS will be awesome in it's own right, even if the translation that we already have is extremely well done in itself.

Too bad I'll probably never find it in any of the shops where I live, just like with the persona remake...

The first Persona remake is being released in Europe and Australia!
As for this one I'm certain there'll be an American release, but the situation in Europe is a bit shaky since Germany and France are still conservative regarding the lord of swastikas.

Innocent Sin is getting remade!

Yes, you read that right! The first part of Persona 2 is getting remade for the PSP! Have an early scan:
It's being directed by the same guy who was in charge of the first Persona's remake. It wasn't announced for North America yet, but this would be the ultimate chance for it to get an official localization for the first time!

Single Character RPGs: How Can They Work?

The very first Dragon Quest game had the hero as the sole playable character.
And it worked incredibly well.

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest on Wii Virtual Console

I love this game. It's certainly not perfect, but it's not absymal either.

Away for a while

:'( Good luck sweet.

Hi all

Oh and now I'm negative '3'
I just informed you about your spelling errors. And that you typed AABattery wrong. I don't see what is so negative about that.
EDIT: Aaaand by the way, you're still using apostrophes the wrong way :P

Hi all

Then I shall eloberate.

Red = missing space
Blue = missing apostroph
Green = abuse of AABattery's nickname
I might've forgotten to mark some.

Hi all

Oh snap. Malifac's so pro, his account doesn't get "taken", it gets "tooked".

And commas instead of apostrophes! I feel so unworthy of his presence.